Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Morning is Coming"

"My soul waits for the Lord more than watchman wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning." Psalm 130:6

On ancient city walls, watchmen stood guard through out the night. While others slept, they kept watch. Their shift did not end until dawn broke through the night. No matter how long and how dark the night was, they knew morning would come.

Using that imagery, the Psalmist says in the same way that the watchman knows morning is coming, so I am waiting on God to break trough the darkness of life. It is a courageous confidence not in the circumstances of life but in the character of God. God will come through. As certain as we are that night will pass and morning will come, so are we that the darkness life can bring will give way to God's light. God's light will overcome our present darkness.

It is such a simple cliche, and yet, it is so very true..."this too shall pass." When you are on guard during a night time experience of life, it is easy to think, "This is never going to end...this pain, this struggle, this never going to pass." But our hope is not in the circumstances, it is God alone. And in him, we have the same certainty that the watchman had in the middle of the night..."It may be dark now...the night may be long, but if I keep my eyes open, I will see the sun rise."

I don't know who this is for today...but whoever you are, I urge you...hang on...don't give up heart...the Morning is coming!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"New Name"

Yesterday I was sitting in court. I was there as a witness for an adoption. When Levi was 7 months old he was brought to the home of foster parents Mark and Sue Atherton, who are a part of our church family (you know, Mark from preaching while I was on sabbatical). Levi was considered a "special needs" case because of his birth-home environment. But, to Mark and Sue, he has always just been special. Levi is now four years old and the only Mom and Dad he has ever known is Mark and Sue. As far as he was concerned, Christopher, has always been his big brother. Step by step, this family followed God's lead to love and yesterday the court put on paper what had already happened in their hearts...Levi became their legally adopted son.

When the judge announced, "Your name is now Levi Ewing Atherton, " Levi lit up. I wish you could have seen his reaction! It was so cool! His hands shot up in the air in excitement and he looked straight at Sue. She nodded her head as if to reassure him that it was true. He now had a new name. He has the Atherton name and that means he is in their permanent care and responsibility. What is theirs is his.

Through adoption, Levi became the fully legal son of the only Mom and Dad he has ever known. Afterwards, Levi, with eyes wide open and a big smile on his face said to everyone, "I've got a surprise for you...we have cake and ice cream back at my house!" "My house"...that's right now don't just have a place to stay, you have a home. Thank you Mark and Sue for giving me a picture of what Being the church looks like. It is one of those moments I will put down as one of my top ten best days of being a pastor.

As I was driving back to Living Hope, I prayed, "Father, thank you!" You see, as Levi was adopted, I couldn't help but remember what Jesus did for me when I was seven years old. I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my life. That day I was given a new name. I was no longer just Chad Arlen Current. I was Chad Arlen Current, son of THE KING of kings. He put me in his family and has taken on permanent care and responsibility for me. What is his, is mine! And some day, when this life ends, he will take me by the hand and say, "Earth was a only place for you to stay for while, but now you have a home."

Have you been adopted by the Heavenly Father, yet? Have you made a decision to not just know Jesus but to walk in daily relationship with him? Do you want to know more about what being adopted by him means? I am always available to talk about that.

The Bible says in Romans 8:15-17, "For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption. And by him we cry, "Abba, Daddy." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"There He is Again"

At 2:27 AM, Seth woke up screaming. Earlier the day before, we discovered he had a double ear infection. The little guy was in pain. Kimberly checked on him the first time and I did as any Dad who has half a brain learns to do...act like you are still asleep so mom can get him...hey...don't judge me! :-) Anyway, it did not work. Kimberly came back in our room and said "He's calling for you" (touche`, Kimberly, touche`...:-)

So, I drug myself out of bed and went to his room. It quickly became obvious that his discomfort made him want my presence. First I tried holding him and then putting him back in bed, but that just upset him all the more. Then I tried him in our bed, but he was too curious in this new setting to sleep. Finally, I took him downstairs to our recliner...the kind that is big enough for even a guy my size to sleep in. We laid back and, it was like, when Seth realized that I was in it for the long haul and that where he slept I would sleep, he allowed himself to relax and drift back to sleep...and as he slept so did I.

Your Father in heaven is in it for the long haul. He is not rocking you just so he can leave you and get back to his own bed. I may do that, but he is not like we earthly Father's. No, he says "I will never leave you or abandon you." Let that truth sink in...let that truth become a part of you. When that truth moves from factual knowledge to experiential reality, then you too will be able to allow yourself to lay back, relax and fall asleep in the arms of the One who keeps the whole world spinning so you can rest.

Thanks, Seth, for waking Daddy up the other night. I needed to see God in that way.

How about you? Where have you seen God this week? Send me an email and let me know.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"God Seen at Lemonade Stand"

The next time you happen by a child's lemonade stand be sure to slow down and take a good may just see God!

On Sunday, after the worship service a Mother walked up to me. Her two daughters Caitlyn and Yelsa (I believe they are around 5 and 6 years old) were hanging on to her legs. It was obvious the girls wanted to be a silent part of the conversation that was about to take place between their mother and me. Their Mother put a small jar in my hands. Then she explained: "We had a garage sale this week. My girls insisted on having a lemonade stand. They said they wanted to get money for the orphans in Ukraine. So, here is what they raised, $34.58."

$34.58 does not sound like too much to us, but to a five and six year old that's enough to buy a brand new toy or a several trips to Dairy Queen. But these little girls, not prompted by any adult, but certainly prompted by Jesus, found a way to do something for orphans. I shared with the girls that it takes $10 a day to feed the orphans in Ukraine. That means their money will feed an orphan for almost three and half days. They did not just find a way to help...they made a way...and then when the money came they resisted any temptation to keep any for themselves. They gave it all away!

As I praised God for speaking to children and being a part of a church family where children are prompted (and parents allow their children) to BE the church and love the likes of orphans not just with words but actions, I also found myself saying, "God forgive me." If a 5 and 6 year old can find a way to help the helpless what excuse do I have...what excuse do you have? The fact is, we are without excuse.

To love God is to love others...This is true religion, James, the half brother of Jesus said, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" (James 2:27). In another place James says, "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins" (James 4:17). It does not say he who has a means or she who feels comfortable...or they who have no problems of their own...rather it says "Anyone"...I think that includes us all..."who knows"...that means not one's present life-season, situation, skill set or financial standing, but merely one's knowledge of a need is what qualifies us for and requires us to do good.

I don't know about you, but I just saw God at a lemonade stand...its funny...I never thought of God showing up in the appearance of two blond haired little girls, but I guess God is willing to show up whenever and however we will let him. Thank you Caitlyn and Yelsa for letting me see God through you!

Do you have a God-sighting story this week? Please send it my way!